
there is no is no

Posted: Monday 7 June 2010 | Posted by k | Labels: ,

there where there is no is no there is no no is there where there is no is no is no where there is no there is no there where no is no where where where there is there

and then of course the bird screams and the bells ring of course and there is dog and dog barks of course and the chirping of plates and knives when there is cooking of course and the juice in the glass is cold of course

and then when the bell rings one goes of course one goes to the door and then there might be no one but the plates and knives still chirp there where no is no

and yes of course one cleans when a kid spills a drink

and yes of course one is also another one depending on yes

and yes of course no is no there where no is no there there is no is no

one might wonder but no of course i mean yes the plates and the knives do chirp

there is no is no


green grass and pink flowers and cryptic words on grey sky

june 7th 2010